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Plano, TX 75023, USA

Phone Number

214 517 6602

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Business Intelligence Services

Predict, capture, analyze and turn data into actionable insights for driving business performance with WinSoft Business Intelligence services

  • WinSoft business intelligence services are focused towards applying and integrating analytical IT and intelligence to web, cloud and mobile-based business solutions in order to optimize business processes and outcomes of enterprises with right insights to effective decision making.
  • Make rapid decisions and drive change with real-time metrics
  • Align data and information with business processes
  • Enable enterprise-wide reporting with customized dashboards, reports & alerts
  • Get a holistic view of cross-departmental activities
  • Access, understand and act on information on the go with Mobile and Cloud BI
  • Get hidden-trends from across multiple business channels
  • Meet desired business goals with better budgeting and forecasting

Business Objects

Business Objects is the world’s leading BI software company. Business Objects software helps organizations gain better insight into their business, improving decision making and enterprise performance. WinSoft has helped clients to build business intelligence systems using both the Business Objects Enterprise and the Business Objects Edge systems. WinSoft uses a proven approach to accelerate the installation, configuration and use of Business Objects products.

Strategy and Architecture

WinSoft can guide you through the SAP Business Objects product choices to design a system that will fit your budget and meet your user’s expectations. Starting with client goals, we work to create a road map that maximizes the value of your SAP Business Objects installation.


Our company, started by two ex-MicroStrategists, provides a broad range of MicroStrategy Services and Solutions, including hard to find skills in MicroStrategy SDK customization. To support our delivery farmework, we’ve developed a library of MicroStrategy specific templates and artifacts that ensure high quality and fast delivery for our customers. Our Associates have undergone rigorous MicroStrategy training beginning with our 3-month MicroStrategy centered BI Boot Camp. With one of the largest number of MicroStrategy consultants worldwide, we have completed 100’s of complex MicroStrategy projects.


WinSoft Solutions its unique Data-to-Intelligence approach with the breakthrough products of Tableau to redefine how your organization interacts with data. This partnership puts the power of quick, intuitive data visualization in the hands of your business users, so that they can perform rich analysis, create visually appealing reports and derive insights with little or no dependency on IT.